Starting getting this error message on a Joomla site I'm working on:
500 - PHP regular expression limit reached (pcre.backtrack_limit)
I'm building my own component for the site.
The weird thing was the error message went away when I echoed out the MySQL query...
But as soon as I stopped doing the echo I was getting this error!
Couldn't figure out what was going on, especially as I wasn't doing anything with Regular Expressions!!
After some Googling I found that I could get rid of the error my running the following php commands:
ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit',1000000); ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit',1000000);
I put them in my index.php file in my Joomla template.
I'm a little uncomfortable with this as I'm not really sure what's causing this issue... But for the time being it's a fix and I think I'll just have to go with it!